Sunday, April 28, 2013

Colette Laurel blouse

I am proud to say that I've finished all my entries for the Laurel contest and I now have a lot more time for little things like blogging or for myself.

So today I'm going to show you the blouse that I made for the contest. It took me a lot more time that I have planned but it was worth it.

I'm proud of my self because this was a tricky blouse: sheer "not so easy to sew" chiffon, first time sewing this type of collar, fiddling the pipping on the collar and 15 buttons and button holes.

And btw don't mind the face because that's how I look after 3 weeks of long nights and hard days at work. But now I have time to rest a bit more :D

Ok, so now about the alterations I made on the pattern: altered the neckline, cut it down the front and added a band for the buttons and button holes, added a shirt like collar (I had to take apart a shirt I had so I can decipher how the collar was constructed), but yeah, it took a lot of work but I'm pleased on how it turned out.

Here's the collar detail of the pipping .

I hope you like it, I know I do.

Stay tunned, there are 2 dresses I will post about next.
Until next time, 
Love and kisses, 


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

this is just beautiful fabric and your techniques add so much interest. Job well done. Where did you get the fabric?Nancy

Aida said... Best Blogger Tips

Thank you Nancy. I got the fabric from my mother. She worked in a clothing factory and always brought home fabric scraps, some small, some big. I think this fabric stayed in a box for more than 7 years. :)

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